senior trying to go downstairs


Your essential guide to stairlift types

Different types of stairlift are designed for different settings. What follows is an essential guide to the main stairlift types, but the best way to find out exactly what type of stairlift you need is to book a free home survey and quote.


A special home needs a special stairlift

Your home is special and unique, so it needs a stairlift that’s specially made-to-measure. That’s why a home survey is essential to make sure you get a stairlift that’s the right fit for you and your home. Stairlifts are available in three main types, but each type can be modified and tailored for its particular setting.

straight stairlift

Straight Stairlifts

Straight Stairlifts are the simplest type, and therefore the most inexpensive. They run on a mass-produced straight stairlift rail which only needs cutting to the correct length. A straight stairlift rail is only suitable for a straight flight of stairs, with no bends or turns along its length. Straight staircases tend to be narrower, but modern stairlifts are designed to cope with this.

  • Most affordable stairlift type
  • Runs on a straight rail
  • Good for narrow staircases
curved stairlift

Curved Stairlifts

Curved Stairlifts are for staircases which move through turns, right-angles or curves. They cost more because a one-off curved stairlift rail must be fabricated to match the unique contours of the stairs. In the past this could take weeks or months, but Acorn Stairlifts slashed the waiting time for a bespoke curved rail with its patented FastTrack® modular rail system. It means a bespoke curved rail can be assembled from stock parts on site in your home in just a few hours.

  • Versatile solution for non-straight stairs
  • Needs a bespoke curved stairlift rail
  • Ideal for ‘character’ staircases
outdoor stairlift

Outdoor Stairlifts

With an Outdoor Stairlift, you can overcome the obstacle of stairs outside your home. These specially weatherproofed models are great for any home or outbuilding accessed by steps. They also provide safe access for split-level gardens, terraces or a porch – anywhere that outdoor steps cause a problem. You will need an outdoor power supply, but that’s a simple fix.

  • Fully weatherproofed
  • Access all your outdoor space
  • Fitted cover for stairlift carriage


Acorn Stairlifts is a world leader in the home stairlift market. Founded in 1992, it manufactures award-winning stairlifts, supplies them direct to the consumer, installs and maintains them to the highest standards. With Acorn, you can fulfil all your stairlift needs in one place.

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